Journey from the MidWest to the MidEast ...

The Indianapolis-based International Interfaith Initiative (III), in collaboration with the Village Experience, led a trip of a diverse group (including representatives from Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical, and Hindu religious communities) to the Middle East from December 27, 2009 to January 9, 2010. It was a follow-up to the very successful III Mideast trip of 2008. Read about the adventure on this blog. Look for partnership opportunities for your group at ... and be part of the next trip from Indy to the MidEast.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Scattering, chattering and the ubiquitous sweater

Well, I am about an hour out of Indy over what I think is the great state of Alabama, Sitting in what is my first real cramped seat thinking of the last 24 hours. We said good=bye to Israel, then Jordan and especially Faiaz and of course each other. We broke the group leaving John behind in Israel and then fractured it more at the Hotel in Madaba as Kelly will travel to Cairo, Kenya and I can't remember where next, Tim and Michael are off to Paris and Becca and Jeff each are taking a later flight to the states. We were a team and as we converge on our own lives that we gave up for two intense weeks together, some of us lost phones, hats, shirts, and we all lost som ignorance and gained knowledge. We all lost some stereotype and gained understanding. But mostly we all know that we haven't gotten the answer just a lot more questions which I say is the purest form of education. If we were getting off the plane with real answers I think we would have failed. I look forward to unpacking some of what we will likely take with us all the days of our lives and look forward to how you all have enriched my life and my professional persona.

I am sure we will all find a way to stay connected both in our striving to do whatever it we as individuals set out to do by taking this trip and as new found friends. But I know one thing, my next clothes purchase will be an argyle sweater and I will likely never stop noticing them for a long time.

Welcome home, however you define it and remember we shared something special, you can call on me when you want, need or desire.

May the Holy One bring you into the arms and hearts of those that care about you and as always bring peace to you and to people the world over.

1 comment:

Charlie said...


Your eloquence speaks my mind. You were (are) an amazing asset to the trip and our community. Thank you for sharing you knowledge and wisdom.

I look forward to future endeavors and seeing you in argyle!
