Journey from the MidWest to the MidEast ...

The Indianapolis-based International Interfaith Initiative (III), in collaboration with the Village Experience, led a trip of a diverse group (including representatives from Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical, and Hindu religious communities) to the Middle East from December 27, 2009 to January 9, 2010. It was a follow-up to the very successful III Mideast trip of 2008. Read about the adventure on this blog. Look for partnership opportunities for your group at ... and be part of the next trip from Indy to the MidEast.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our first conversation began with Father Haddad- A christian Arab. His main aim is to educate both Muslims and Christians in the Middle East about Americans. He does this by opening doors to all faiths at his Church in Amman. He explained that it is important to do so because many Arabs he has encountered immediately associate U.S foreign policy with, "Marines Boots and Donald Rumsfeld". He emphasized how important it is not only to connect with Americans on a high level but make efforts to build personal relationships with Muslims in your local community. He tried to do so by hosting an Iftar at his church. In Indianapolis, making efforts to engage local Muslims would be an important step to increasing our understanding of Islam.
After coming to Jordan, I realise that I had many misconceptions about Islam and I now relaize how important it is for me to address those

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