Journey from the MidWest to the MidEast ...

The Indianapolis-based International Interfaith Initiative (III), in collaboration with the Village Experience, led a trip of a diverse group (including representatives from Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical, and Hindu religious communities) to the Middle East from December 27, 2009 to January 9, 2010. It was a follow-up to the very successful III Mideast trip of 2008. Read about the adventure on this blog. Look for partnership opportunities for your group at ... and be part of the next trip from Indy to the MidEast.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From the 2008 Trip: More Pictures!

1. Fearless leader Charlie.

2. Caitlin, representing Butler well while hammering away at a cinder block.

3. Today's dedication ceremony at the home at which we've been working with the Abu Zoor family.


Dan and Kay said...

Looking good!! Matt, did you tell them you were a roofer in your early years...or are you keeping that under wraps:)


Dan and Kay

SamSam said...

What a great group! May God keep you and Bless you.
Keep the blogs and the pictures coming!

George, we love you.
Mom & Dad