Journey from the MidWest to the MidEast ...

The Indianapolis-based International Interfaith Initiative (III), in collaboration with the Village Experience, led a trip of a diverse group (including representatives from Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical, and Hindu religious communities) to the Middle East from December 27, 2009 to January 9, 2010. It was a follow-up to the very successful III Mideast trip of 2008. Read about the adventure on this blog. Look for partnership opportunities for your group at ... and be part of the next trip from Indy to the MidEast.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From the 2008 Trip: Check Us Out!

The view of Al Mazroora from just above where the team has been working on the home, seen here.

Lew & Caitlin tie up our handy re-bar work for one of 12 cement cross beams to be installed when construction on the roof begins.

"Da Boys," Ahmed, Jake, Fadi and George show their muscle after a hard day of mixing cement.

1 comment:

Colette said...

It was wonderful to see pictures of everyone, the build's family, the house and the landscape!! Looks like everyone is doing well. Hi, Caitlin! Lookin' Good!
Mom & Dad